Texas Jumbo Mortgage

Texas Jumbo Mortgage loan limit in Texas is $424,100, for a single-family home. This applies to every county in Texas. We specialize in mortgages above the conforming loan limit with as little as 5% down. For more info visit: https://texasjumbomortgagegur

Jumbo Texas Mortgage,5% Down Jumbo Mortgage

Know The Best Lending Landscape

If you are planning to buy a house then you will have a mortgage payment for 15,20 and 30 years. This is the smart decision if you are buying a house. Getting a good rate of jumbo mortgage is more than comparison shopping. Mortgage rate ca…

Jumbo Mortgage in Texas

A jumbo mortgage or loan refers to a plus-size home loan that exceeds the conforming loan limits which were imposed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and are usually backed by private investors.In Texas, the usual conforming loan limit is $417…